Thursday, October 15, 2015

Curry in a Hurry!

 Tropical Chicken Curry with Pineapple and  Mini Bananas

This is a quick and easy way to introduce your family to an ethnic and healthy meal.

  The leaves are changing colours and falling, the air is getting crisp and the hours of daylight are diminishing. We happen to be a family that loves fall and all the beautiful things that come with it. Brisk walks in nature, visual delights everywhere you look, a return to a normal schedule, warm sweaters and favourite boots. There is also something special about family time when fall approaches. Celebrating Thanksgiving, decorating for Halloween and a favourite of the Divas is Family Movie Night which MUST include a roaring fire and the most comfortable pyjamas.  We may also really enjoy Sundays when perhaps the Green Bay Packers are playing and we may just have a little team spirit (we brainwashed the Divas from birth.)

  Once our extracurricular activities are done for the week, I enjoy using my time to do some prep and cooking for the week ahead as well as trying out new recipes on a day when the chaos level is not so high.  We are very fortunate to have two girls that are very good eaters and willing to always "try two bites."  We started them as infants on whole grains, limited dairy and always tried to introduce them to new foods. The one speed bump we hit was anything that had "spice."  For the Divas "spice" was anything that had a fresh flavour or herb. I can name off fresh basil, oregano, cilantro, thyme, seasoning, cumin and anything on my spice rack. I did not want to be limited to being a short order cook and we certainly did not want to survive on chicken fingers, plain potatoes or salad and vegetable without seasoning.

 How do you introduce children to food with new flavours? Let them help you plan the menu, go shopping together, use lesser amounts of spices than the recipe calls for, and make it a fun theme night. We decided to try curry since the Divas love to use Naan bread for making their own garlic bread, pizzas or dipping into soups and stews. I also have a British husband who is very fond of spice on rice! This is a recipe using bananas and pineapple so it has a sweetness that works well with the curry and produces and very mild flavor. 


1 lb boneless skinless chicken breasts, chopped to bite size pieces
12 teaspoon salt
12 teaspoon pepper
1 onion, chopped
1 small sweet red pepper, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon mild curry paste or powder
1 12 cups chicken stock
1 bay leaf
3 bananas, mini firm and ripe (use 2 small bananas if you can't find the mini)
1 cup fresh pineapple, chopped, you can use canned
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon water
 Fresh coriander leaves, chopped (optional)

One MUST HAVE in my kitchen is a spoon rest. When you are dealing with raw poultry it is essential you have somewhere to put your spatula or ladle down without contaminating any other surfaces. Once the meat is cooked be sure to use another clean utensil and not cross contaminate. Food poisoning is NOT fun. Take it from someone who got Salmonella and Typhoid inMexico!

In a large non-stick skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat.
Add chicken and sprinkle with salt and pepper, cook, stirring for 5 minutes.
Remove to a plate.

While the chicken is cooking or you are prepping your fruit and vegetables, it is a good time to get your rice started on the stove. We are big fans of basmati or jasmine rice that work well with Thai, Chinese or Indian cuisine.  You can purchase the rice at the Bulk Barn to save money but just remember to grab the ingredient cards that are with the products or you may end up with a cupboard full of "I have no idea what is it or how to cook it" items.

I have learned that my children's taste can change daily, hourly, by the minute. When pineapple and watermelon were a hit we went and purchased a whole one of each. They sat uneaten in the fridge while we were questioned as to why we had no bananas or grapes in the house. Despite my preference for fresh food I have no qualms about buying canned fruit in its own juices to avoid filling my compost bin weekly with the Divas' changing food preferences. The Pineapple Tidbits by Dole are a great purchase and if you double the rice you prepare you can make a great last minute fried rice to fill the lunch thermos on a chilly day!

Add onions, red pepper, and garlic to the pan, cook stirring for about 3 minutes or until softened.

What are the mini bananas we speak of? They are offered in the produce section at our local grocery stores and the big hit with the Divas for this recipe was picking them out and cutting them up. If you cannot find these you can substitute one medium to large banana.

Add curry paste and cook stirring for one minute.

Add chicken stock and bay leaf and bring to a boil. Peel and chop bananas into 1 inch chunks and add to the skillet along with the reserved chicken. Simmer about 5 minutes, or until the chicken in no longer pink inside. Add pineapple and stir to combine.

In a small bowl, whisk together corn starch and water until combined. Add the mixture to the pan for a few minutes or until thickened slightly.

The Duncan style of serving this curry is with a side of rice or on a bed of rice with grilled Naan bread. The curry can be topped with a dollop of sour cream or plain Greek yogurt and is phenomenal with fresh cilantro.

Introduce new flavours to your children slowly but it certainly makes the culinary world more exciting for Mom and Dad when you can all eat the same amazing food!
Bon Appétit!!

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